Interested in community organizing? If you’re in the Chicago area, consider attending this two-day training.
The Faith Rooted Organizing Training will be held September 7 – 8, featuring Rev. Alexia Salvatierra as trainer.
Time & Date:
Friday, September 7 — 6:00 pm–9:00 pm
Saturday, September 8 — 9:00 am–5:00 pm
South Loop Community Church
1347 S State St, Chicago, IL
Cost: $50 ($35 for students)
Register here: www.faithrootedchicago.org
This event will be part of the launching of a Faith Rooted Chicago organization. We are very excited to see churches & non-profits from different neighborhoods across the city uniting to be part of advancing Kingdom change in this city. You have an important voice that we want at the table! Please consider attending this training!
The trainer: The Rev. Alexia Salvatierra brings 20+ years experience of organizing in a Christian context & has developed a rich curriculum for helping us bring the voice of our faith into the public arena around areas that are close to God’s heart. She was a pivotal leader of a coalition of Evangelical leaders that publicly supported Immigration Reform before the Obama Administration’s executive order in support of the Dream Act a few months ago. She has also been a consultant to the CCDA, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship & a number of Evangelical churches across the country.