True Love Waits

Post a Comment » Written on February 13th, 2012     
Filed under: Reflection
Some of you may receive the “True Love Waits Cooperating Ministry Update” as Marti does. Here is a word from the January update, written by their National Coordinator, Dawn Cornelius:

Have you ever noticed the unique ridges and valley of our fingers? I think they exist as reminders that we were born originals, not copies of someone else, with gifts to be used and given for God’s purpose. Actor Stephen Baldwin said, “The only gift in life you can give to another person just once is virginity. Save it. Make it special. It’s a once in a lifetime experience!”

As lovebirds and the lovelorn scramble for dinner reservations, floral extravaganzas, plush teddy bears, and big red roses, many churches will emphasize the true meaning of love and
the benefits of remaining pure, including being sexually abstinent until marriage. In this update, we have included ideas to help churches and organizations promote purity while emphasizing God’s great love.

We are praying for you in the days ahead.

Visit their website if you would like to know more,

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