To participate, you must register for the meeting(s) of your choice. Registration is free, but works as a placeholder. Meetings are held from 2:30-3:30 Central (so, 10:30 Hawaii; 11:30 Alaska; 12:30 Pacific; 1:30 Mountain; 2:30 Central; and 3:30 Eastern). Registration links will be available a month prior to the meeting.
2012 Schedule
Thursday, January 19
A big impact idea for Children’s Ministry (Steve Burger)
Thursday, February 16
What is Intentional Discipleship? (Bruce Lawson)
Thursday, March 15
Small Group Ministry (Bruce Lawson)
Tuesday, March 20
Children and Family Summer Ministry Forum (Steve Burger)
Thursday, April 19
Teaching and Learning for Adults (Bruce Lawson)
Thursday, May 17
Adult Mentoring and Coaching (Bruce Lawson)
I am interested in knowing more!
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12.12.11 at 9:40 am
I would like to know more about the event!
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12.13.11 at 12:37 pm
Hey guys, Aune has actually given you basically all the information there is. Call-in Cafe is a ministry discussion on a given topic, which Aune has listed here. You can find the full schedule as well as individual registration links and examples of recent calls on the Christian Formation blog:
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12.13.11 at 2:32 pm