Please take a few minutes to read more about BellyAcres or check out their website.
Belly Acres is owned and operated by JPUSA, a mission community located in the Uptown neighborhood of Chicago. Jesus People is a member of the Evangelical Covenant Church. Belly Acres, along with our other businesses, provides the financial support for our community, which enables our members to provide a variety of ministries.
Have you ever wondered if what you’re buying is worth the money your paying? Who is really profiting from your business? More and more people are asking that question and wondering if they can do more with their purchasing power. Belly Acres is a business that is working to make a difference.
We are operated by an unpaid full time volunteer staff who live and work as an intentional mission community. We’ve been using all of our revenues to provide food, clothing and shelter to those in need for over 20 years.
How can a business operate this way, you ask?
Belly Acres is part of a revolutionary mission-business model operated by Jesus People USA (JPUSA). Located in the Uptown neighborhood of Chicago, this mission community operates various business which provides the funds for a variety of outreach programs. The concept is simple, and the rewards are invaluable.
One of the programs we help fund is Cornerstone Community Outreach (CCO). CCO was created in 1989 to raise the quality of life for low-income residents through social, educational and economic development programs that include: development and preservation of decent and affordable housing for the poor, job training and creation, educational and social programs and feeding and sheltering the homeless.
JPUSA began as an independent ministry in 1972, and in 1989 we joined the Chicago-based Evangelical Covenant Church. We number about 400 people who live together at a single address on Chicago’s North Side. We hold our goods and property in a common fund, looking to the model of Christian community depicted in New Testament (Acts 2:44-47, 4:32-35).
Living communally and pooling our resources in this way has enabled us to minister to one another and those outside the community in ways that might not have been otherwise possible.
For more information about Belly Acres, JPUSA or CCO email Joe Terzano at joe@bellyacres.com
Erik Strom wrote:
I work with them anytime I can and recommend their work highly! Always a professional job, flexible and helpful, plus they’re friends in mission, and just a great bunch of people. Thanks for posting this.
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05.16.11 at 3:58 pm