Finding Our Voice… Continued

2 comments Written on July 8th, 2009     
Filed under: Uncategorized
Let’s keep the conversation going! Please take time to read the various responses that have been coming in – and add your voice to it. There’s a number of people thinking about similar themes.

Rooting for you,


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2 comments “Finding Our Voice… Continued”

Good stuff Andrew. I haven’t checked the worship connection in a while and dropped in to see what was going on. Like some other responses I read, I too have been feeling a desire to see words for worship take on deeper levels and expanded topics. Worship Leader magazine did an article a little over a year ago that explored topics that seem to be ignored or perhaps just overlooked in worship music.

As for your growing song list, I have some thoughts for you but they are not strictly covenant. Evangelical (but not exclusive) – We have been using “Mighty to Save.” Also, when I think of traditional, but not rigid, the first thing that comes to mind is “Amazing Grace (My chains are gone).” We sing the verse sections fairly traditional, but the chorus definitely adds some flair.

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Hi Andrew ~

I don’t know if I am understanding your asking of songs to be sung at worship….but one I have always loved is: “Just As I Am”
It is a beautiful song, simple & I am always moved when I hear it. I had a close friend of mine sing this at my Mothers funeral, after my Uncle Ralph (Moms brother) did her service. It is a comforting song after the closing of a service.

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