Everything is Your Fault (and God has Your Back)

2 comments Written on July 28th, 2009     
Filed under: Leadership

This is the second post in the L3 (Leadership Lessons Learned) series.

I’m struck by our drive to pass the buck. Have any of these things happened to you?

  • The bass player comes late to set up, thus your run through the music is weak and thus the music is… weak.
  • The computer and projector have a bad relationship with the volunteer who projects (no pun), thus everyone suffers. (that’s code for: their are lots of projection problems during worship.)
  • Someone who has a microphone says something they shouldn’t have said—into the microphone during the worship service. Thus the people share an embarrassing moment.
  • The senior pastor doesn’t talk with you much during the week, nor before worship on Sunday, so worship is a bit disconnected and lacks dynamics.
  • Your sound volunteer works for Microsoft or HP or some similar tech-oriented company. She knows more about computers and electronics than mixing instruments to make music, so the sound mix at your church is bad.

Here’s what I’ve learned. It’s your fault. Even though there are other people doing things wrong, if these things are happening at your church, and you are the leader of the worship arts ministry, it’s your fault.

“That depressing,” you say.

Well, not really. If it were the fault of the bass player, computer, projector, volunteers, big mouth worship singer, senior pastor, audio gal or HP… well… that would be depressing. Because if it were their fault, there is nothing you can do about it.

If it’s your fault, you can ask God, giver of every perfect gift, to help you make it right. Ask for wisdom, and the Father of Lights will freely pour out. Ask:

  • “What should I say and do in response to our indie artist bassist?”
  • “In what manner can I create a healthy connectedness with key leaders such as my pastor?”
  • “How can we dummy proof the computer/projector system? There must be a way.”
  • “Forgive me for giving speaking roles to folks who don’t have the skills to fill them well. Give me courage and wisdom to make better decisions in the future.”
  • “Show me a plan and strategy for finding audio volunteers who can actually mix the music.”

Every leader feels overwhelmed and disappointed when things don’t go well. Effective leaders take responsibility, not only for their mistakes, but also for all mistakes that happen under their care.

The key: Accept blame healthily. Take one for the team in the spirit of unity and bond of peace; and the God of peace will have your back.

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2 comments “Everything is Your Fault (and God has Your Back)”

Thanks for this reminder of our accountability. It is truly too easy to pass the buck on to others.

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So true. May God give us the grace to discern how to best respond when things go ‘wrong’ in worship (you are delusional if you think things won’t go wrong).

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