We had fun planning and leading the Midwinter Conference worship experiences– Connection worship too. So here, on the blog, we’ll post the orders of worship and links to resources and photos. It may take a few days to get it all up, but here we go. Special thanks to Mike Nyman who took pictures all week, and generously gave them to us royalty-free. These are the resources for Monday night. See also, Tuesday night and Thursday night.
First the tools:
- Planning Center Online. Tim Peterson uses this at Crossroads, and set us up for Midwinter. I like everything about this tool. There are no negatives. It manages: scheduling, communications, orders of worship, songs, liturgy, scripts… I heartily recommend this tool.
- CCLI Song Select. I cannot get along without this tool. It’s worth every penny.
- ProPresenter. What can we say? It’s the best presentation software.
We worked with the theme: The Centrality of the Word of God. The theme was a dream. We had six services to plan around the theme– 3 evenings and 3 Bible studies.
Monday eve, Proclaiming the Word
- Come Holy Spirit, Lord God (Komm heiliger Geist, Herre Gott) by Johann Sebastian Bach. Order printed music or download.
- Blessed, Darlene Zschech and Reuben Morgan. CCLI 3490547
- Multilingual Greeting. Check back for the link to download this script.
- How Firm a Foundation. #437, The Covenant Hymnal.
- Everlasting God, Brenton Brown & Ken Riley. CCLI 4556538
(NPU Gospel Choir, Special Music)
He Reigns Forever, Marshal Carpenter. Available through Word Music.
You Are the Living Word, Fred Hammond and Noel Hall. CCLI 3176067.
- Scripture: Job 37:1-5 & Luke 24:13-27
- Message: Proclaiming the Word. Judy Howard Peterson and Efrem Smith.
- He Reigns, Peter Furler & Steve Taylor. CCLI 4026635. Download the video loop that Tim used as background.
- Fugue in C (from Toccata, Adagio, and Fugue in C) by Johann Sebastian Bach. Order printed music or download.
See Also:
Tuesday morn, The word and the Word with Klyne Snodgrass
Tuesday eve, Shaped by the Word with Phyllis Tickle
Wednesday morn, Hearing with the Heart with Klyne Snodgrass
Thursday morn, Hearing in order to See with Klyne Snodgrass
Thursday eve, The Word Made Flesh with Gary Walter
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