When Myriam, Yolanda, and Mary Lou asked Patricia if she would be willing to volunteer as the new regional leader, she said, “Yes! I love to volunteer!” When they told her that she was volunteering as the Women’s Ministry leader, she said, “Just what I wanted to do!”
You see, Patricia and her husband, Enesael, were from Barranquilla. They arrived in Ipiales because of Patricia’s work as an architect, and received a small apartment through the business contract. Patricia’s contract is finished. But so much is happening in the small group that they are leading, (they baptized 16 new believers last week), that they don’t want to leave. They want to continue accompanying God in what he is doing in raising up a strong and diversified Rebirth Covenant Church.
This could be seen as a difficult decision. Barranquilla is 60ft above sea level on the northern Caribbean coast. It’s average temperature is between 85ºF – 95º’F. The population of Barranquilla is 1.2 million. Ipiales is 9,500ft above sea level and is in the Andes mountains. It’s average temperature is between 50ºF – 60ºF. The population of Ipiales is 123,000. The two cities are 1,000 miles apart. They both will be looking for a way to support themselves and find a new place to live. But, they don’t want to leave. They are seeing way too much happening in the cool mountains of Narino, Colombia, to return to the coastal regions of Barranquilla.
The Rebirth Covenant Church has three large home groups that are growing so fast that they can’t keep a place that will hold all of the people that want to attend. People are finding answers to what they are looking for – they are finding a place to belong. The Rebirth Covenant movement in the cities of Ipiales, Pupiales and Pasto, is the fastest growing Pacto work in Colombia right now. And it is growing through a strong base of pastors and volunteers who are seeing God at work in powerful ways.