
Mary Lou is standing here with the real heroines of the Barranquilla-Soledad Covenant Churches in the North Coast Conference of Colombia – (from left to right) Amalfi, Evelsy, Damaris, and Milena.  We are continually impressed and blessed by the ministries going on in the Covenant Churches in the North Coast, in the cities of Barranquilla, Soledad, Galapa and Cartegena.  The pastors of these churches, Guillermo, Alvaro, Noé, Jesús, Anderson, and Eusebio truly do an impressive job of following God’s leading in their ministries in very challenging circumstances of urban depression and growing discontent with society.  But, their wives, who also carry on ministry alongside their husbands, as well as take the major responsibility for raising their children, or maintaining a household, or working to supplement their husband’s lower-than-minimum wage salary, are women that impress us each and every time we are able to be with them.

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