Soon after our Mission retreat, we had the blessing of hosting Dr. Klyne Snodgrass, North Park Theological Seminary Professor of New Testament, who spent 10 days in Colombia teaching and sharing on the Centrality of the Word of God. Throughout the 25+ hours that Klyne shared in various settings, he always took the focus of the time to the word of God and its central role in our lives and in shaping our identity. Klyne has been instrumental in the formation of each of us on our Mission staff, as all of us have been influenced by his insight and encouragement in classes and other encounters. There is nothing like interpreting for a New Testament scholar as he answers questions by opening up his New Testament in Greek to guide the group in finding the source of where the answer to their question will come from. Klyne was so appreciated by the many people that he shared with because of his insight into God’s Word, the kindness and care in his voice and demeanor, that it was no wonder when some of the Covenant pastors and leaders remarked after a two hour session of questions and answers: ¡Ese hombre es biblia!
Ese hombre es biblia
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