In the middle of the Work

“My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” (John 5:17)

These words by Jesus in talking about God being always at his work” is definitely something that we see on a daily basis and for that reason, when we talk about being in ministry partnership; we strive to be in partnership with God in what he is doing.  Being in the U.S. for a little more than three months of Home Assignment itineration and connecting with ministry partners has meant that we are “always at work” either with the task at hand in the U.S. or with what is happening in the Mission ministry in Colombia.  Some people have wanted to know if we are busier when we are in Colombia or if we are busier when we are in the U.S.  The truth of the matter is that we are busy wherever we are, as are most of you.  In the U.S. we add in the focus of speaking and interacting with ministry partners.  But, as well, we are keeping up with the Mission ministry in Colombia.  Keeping up with what is happening in Colombia is essential as we strengthen relationships here in the U.S. because being current with information and future possibilities is essential in going deeper in a partnership or in exploring a new relationship.  As we mentioned last month, “we have not encountered any ministry partner or Covenant Church that is unwilling to join us…. It is quite exciting and challenging to walk together toward the next steps – encouraging joint participation and joint ownership and full voice in discussions and conversation.”  So, with the positive response that we have encountered here we know that God is at work since we believe that he has been preparing others and us for our encounters.  And, God is at work in Colombia because as we keep up with what is happening there we have found that ministry possibilities and ministry happenings and activity are happening all the time.

Recently Gary and Mary Lou had conversations with some Short Term missionary candidates, with some U.S. Covenant Church leaders and members, with some of the Covenant Mission staff in Colombia, and with some Colombia Covenant leaders and found that without previous planning, all conversations were dealing with the same issues, just from different locations.  It was obvious to us that God was at work in different locations and in different lives but with the same focus and vision.  Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  The people that we talked to love God and are seeking his calling on their lives so it was not surprising, but exciting to see God at work.

It is great to be a partner with a God who is always at work, working all things together for good.

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