“Covenant World Relief is not a ministry of a staff or of the denomination, but it is a ministry of the church,” Husby says. “The campaign is an opportunity to show Covenanters how they have made a real difference in the lives of real people, in real places.”
CWR donations have been critical for enabling sustainable development projects such as wells to provide fresh water and micro-enterprise loans for starting businesses. Funds are also used in disaster response, often through CWR’s partner, World Relief International.
Sample materials for the campaign have been mailed to each Covenant church. Additional materials may be ordered free through the online Covenant Bookstore.
Resources for the campaign include:
• Brochure
• Poster
• Offering envelopes
• Soup can lids and labels
In the past, materials have been sent in bulk, but Husby says that “by not sending large quantities to every church, we cut down on excess postage and printing expenses.” By watching its overhead costs, CWR continues to give 96 cents of every donated dollar to direct assistance.
Covenanters can keep updated on the work of CWR through its new blog, Facebook page, and revised website including Flickr photos, as well as online news stories. If you have questions about ordering materials, please contact the Covenant Resource Center at 800-338-4332. Feedback may be provided by calling 773-784-3000 or emailing Covenant World Relief.