No Child or Coin Too Small to Raise Money for Scholarships

Post a Comment » Written on August 21st, 2009     
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COLORADO SPRINGS, CO (August 21, 2009) – Each Sunday in July, children attending Iglesia Cristiana Getsemani, a small Hispanic congregation, brought coins they collected during the week to church.

By the end of the July, they had raised $100 for the Evangelical Covenant Church’s vacation Bible school project. The project is funding scholarships for the children of pastors serving in underprivileged areas of Ecuador. The project had special meaning for children who attend Iglesia Cristiana Gesemani because their pastor, Cesar Arroyo, is from Quito, Ecuador.

In Ecuador many of the pastors earn an average of only $150-200 per month so sending their children to school can be difficult. The scholarships will help pay the expenses of school uniforms, books, school supplies, and transportation.

“We are always so overwhelmed at how God provides and were touched by the giving that came from children as well as adults,” says Lyn Arroyo.

Children across the Covenant continue to demonstrate their love of serving others through a variety of international projects, as highlighted in “Children: Giving Generously, Growing Deeper,” a DVD sent to churches earlier this month.

The Children’s Ministry Co-op produced the DVD. Participants in the co-op are the Department of Christian Formation, Department of World Mission, the Paul Carlson Partnership, and Covenant World Relief.

This past year, in addition to helping Ecuadoran children attend school, projects have assisted children in Colombia and Congo.

The Children’s Service Project “Colombia: Hope for Refugee Children,” which ran from last December through May, raised $19,000 to provide educational support for children of refugee families. The families have been forced to flee violence in the countryside.

Over the summer, young people attending Covenant camps have been raising funds to help the Colombia Covenant Church buy property for their own camping ministry.

Throughout the year, children raise funds through the Paul Carlson Partnership’s “Kids Helping Kids!” catalog to enable projects in Congo. The catalog includes information about Congo as well as ways children can help.

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