More than 150 people participated in the two-day worship celebration (accompanying photo) held July 18-19. The anniversary coincided with a local parade, in which the church had a float.
Pastor Steve Grosz welcomed the gathering with former pastor Rick Klawitte and several former members among those participating in the Sunday worship service. Keith Tungseth, a former Department of World Mission facilitator for Russian ministries who grew up in the congregation, delivered the sermon “Walking with Jesus,” which was the anniversary theme.
Five pioneer families first settled the area in 1880 and others soon followed. The first formal gathering of the church took place December 26, 1884, in the home of one of the families. The church was chartered January 10, 1888, as the Swedish Mission Society.
The following week, the church voted to build a church, which was completed four months later. Click here for a photo of the current church structure.
Current members said it is that same sense of purpose that drove the pioneers to accomplish so much in so little time that has kept the congregation focused on its mission to share the love of Christ.