After 130 years of ministry in New York City, Bethesda Covenant Church conducted its final worship service on Sunday, April 19. The church was founded in 1879 and had served a multi-ethnic population for the past several decades.
Recalling assistance they had once received, members of Monadnock Covenant Church in Keene, New Hampshire, took up an offering to help Parkside Covenant Church, a young congregation in Clifton Park, New York.
Following are the most-read stories. To read an article, click on the link.
Bethesda Covenant to Close After 130 Years
Generosity – ‘Paying It Forward’ to Another in Need
North Park Students Take Call to Generosity Seriously
‘Shoot-Out’ Helps Build Sense of Community Among Men
Two Congregations Now Share More Than a Building
Covenant Churches Confront Human Trafficking
Kansas Congregation Creates Satellite Site Instead of Expanding
Speakers, Bands Announced for CHIC 2009
In Brief: Covenanters Making News