Members Find Packing Meals for Needy a Moving Experience

Post a Comment » Written on February 19th, 2009     
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NEW BRIGHTON, MN (February 19, 2009) – Two and a half years after students and leaders at CHIC 2006 packed 591,192 meals to help impoverished people around the world, members of Salem Covenant Church are nearing their own goal that was inspired by the CHIC event.

Church members pack the meals at the Feed My Starving Children (FSMC) main site in Brooklyn, Minnesota. FSMC partnered with CHIC to provide the meals in Knoxville, Tennessee. Click here to see additional photos.

SalemEach meal includes rice, soy, dried vegetables and powdered vitamins and minerals with chicken flavoring. The artificial flavoring is used out of respect for cultures that would not eat animal meat.

On Monday, a group of members packed 15,000 meals at FSMC, leaving them just 45,000 short of the lofty goal of 500,000. “We hope to reach it by this CHIC,” says Executive Pastor Kay Sorvik.

People of all ages, from children to seniors, have packed meals. They even have had birthday parties at the site. “They like to bring their friends,” Sorvik says.

“Everybody always is moved when they’re finished packing and (the FSMC workers) tell you how many people you have fed,” Sorvik adds.

It was Sorvik who came up with the idea of trying to pack 500,000 meals. “I actually thought of the challenge on the spur of the moment,” she says. “Our folks at Salem have done a great job.”

All the time spent packing meals has left Sorvik even more in awe of what happened at CHIC. “It just shows how much they accomplished,” says Sorvik. “The students truly inspired us.” Click here to read a previously published story about the 2006 event at CHIC.

Church members have had so much fun that Sorvik expects they will continue to pack meals after reaching the goal.

For more information, contact Sorvik by telephone at 651-633-9615 or by email.

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