Contreras to Explore Integrated Ministry Opportunities

Post a Comment » Written on May 14th, 2008     
Filed under: News
CHICAGO, IL (May 14, 2008) – Walter Contreras will conclude his current role with the Department of World Mission of the Evangelical Covenant Church at the end of July as part of a ministry transition that he hopes will more fully integrate his passions for global mission, Hispanic ministries, and compassion initiatives.

Contreras serves as director of mission mobilization and connection, a position he has held for about a year.

“I have had the opportunity to see how God is working in this world in amazing ways,” Contreras says of his current work. “Although I had experience and a vision for global mission in the past, I now have an even greater passion for being part of God’s gospel mission to all nations.”

ContrerasContreras also has a rich history in working with Hispanic churches and ministries, and especially in initiatives of compassion and justice, often serving as a voice of advocacy on behalf of those less fortunate in areas of reconciliation and justice.

“God has been working in my heart and life in a powerful way during the past year,” he explains. “I now believe that God is calling me to integrate this global vision and passion with my continuing heart for church planting, Hispanic ministries, and ministries of compassion, mercy and justice in the Covenant.

“I am deeply grateful to Curt Peterson . . . and the entire staff of the department for the way they welcomed me and gave me the opportunity to bring a new perspective to world mission,” Contreras says. “I feel fulfilled in the ways that I was able to contribute during this year and look forward to a continuing partnership with world mission in some way in the future.”

“I appreciate the energy and leadership that Walter brought to the Department of World Mission during this past year,” says Peterson, executive minister of Covenant World Mission.

“He brought a unique perspective and insight to our leadership team based on his upbringing in a missionary family in Argentina, a missionary leadership role in Paraguay, and leadership in church planting in the Pacific Southwest Conference and with Hispanic church planting,” Peterson notes.

This past year was the first year of a departmental reorganization and staffing initiative, Peterson observes. “Walter challenged us, advised us, taught us, and also learned more about God’s great mission in this world. Sometimes God calls people to be part of transitions in ministry to help shape the vision and values of the future of that ministry. Walter was that person for us during the past year in Covenant World Mission.

“We know that Walter will always be a strong advocate and partner in world mission in whatever capacity he serves in the future,” Peterson adds. “We pray for God’s continued leading . . . as he seeks to serve in the Covenant in ways that best integrate his interests, passions, and gifts.”

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