Covenant Bible College – A Brief History

1 Comment » Written on March 9th, 2007     
Filed under: News
STRATHMORE, AB (March 9, 2007) – Information for this timeline was drawn from previous Covenant News Service online stories, the Covenant Bible College (CBC) website, and an academic article on CBC written by Bruce L. Guenther and published in the May 2003 Covenant Quarterly.

1940 – The Canada Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church hopes to start classes, but postpones opening the school because projected enrollment was less than 10 students.

1941 –Covenant Bible Institute holds its first classes in the Bethany Covenant Church and parsonage in Norquay, Saskatchewan. President Joel S. Peterson says the three-year program aims to “deepen the spiritual experience of our young people” and “train our young people for effective service on our needy home field or on the foreign field.”

1944 – College is relocated to a more permanent facility in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, which was more easily accessed while still located “in the midst of a large undeveloped missionary field.”

1951—Joel Peterson resigns. Leonard Quarnstrom serves as acting president.

1956 – Wendell Anderson, who already had greatly influenced the direction of the school, becomes president.

1957 – Three-year curriculum replaced with two tracks geared for laypeople. A two-year program was focused on preparing students for “more effective and useful service in the church. A one-year course was designed “to stabilize one’s Christian faith before entering professional training or the secular university.” People seeking to become pastors were encouraged to attend North Park Theological Seminary.

1962 – Name is changed to Covenant Bible College and curriculum is changed to one academic year.

1990 – Wendell Anderson retires, and Neil Josephson named president

1995 – College is moved to Strathmore, Alberta, due to increasing enrollment and aging facility in Prince Albert.

1997 – CBC facilitates training and resources for Worship Center in Strathmore. Center is relocated to Windsor in 1998.

1998 – Campus opens in Windsor, Colorado, due to waiting list for enrollment.

2000 – Campus opens in LaMerced, Ecuador, an hour outside of Quito.

2004 – CBC officially affiliates with the Evangelical Covenant Church.

2006 – Due to declining enrollment and increased costs, Windsor campus closes beginning with 2006-2007 academic year, and CBC severs ties with the Worship Center. Josephson resigns. Paul Lessard becomes acting president.

2007 – Board of Directors votes to close campuses in Ecuador and Canada as of May 31.

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One Response to “Covenant Bible College – A Brief History”

I request to join covenant bible college ecuador. How can l apply for admission?

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