Readers Share Their Thoughts

Post a Comment » Written on March 30th, 2006     
Filed under: News
By Don Meyer

CHICAGO, IL (March 30, 2006) – Hardly a week goes by that we do not receive a few comments from readers on stories published as part of the Covenant online news report.

One story in particular that generated a large volume of response was the tragic accident that injured retired Northwest Conference Superintendent Paul Erickson, who continues in critical condition in a Florida hospital.

Following are comments relating to this story, as well as others recently published, edited in some cases for length. To read a particular story, click on the headline.

Erickson Remains in ‘Very Critical Condition’

Mike and Sharon Ryan of Federal Way, WA, write: We know Paul and Joan from Portland when he was pastor at First Covenant. He came into our lives as Sharon’s dad was battling cancer. He and Jim Guderlun were very important to our family as they helped us through our time of need. We will keep praying for the Erickson family and for Paul.

Doug Johnson of Copper Harbor, MI, writes: Sorry to hear of your accident, Paul. I’ll pray for you, too. I’ve moved from Akron to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and love it.

Ruth and Stan Holme of Salem, OR, write: We were so sorry to hear about the accident. We are praying for your recovery and help. May you all feel surrounded with God’s love for you.

Judy Dahlstrom of Palm Desert, CA, writes: Paul and Joan are in our prayers – Betty, too (Joan’s sister).

Jim Mylander of Richfield, MN, writes: I always keep you and our Covenant family in my prayers. And especially now, with Paul’s accident, I want you to know that my prayers are with you all.

Morley Lessard of Nelson, BC, Canada, writes: As an individual and as a Covenant church, we will be praying for our brother, Paul. He was such an encouragement and blessing to our Canadian Fifties Plus group as he ministered to us a couple of years ago. May God restore him to full health and give strength to the family at this time.

Norm and Vivian Harpole of Westminster, CO, write: We’re praying for both Paul and Joan. Things may look dark, but God is able.

Linda Forbes of Chicago, IL, writes: Thank you so much for the update. I have been so concerned about Paul and his family. It is good to know he is making some progress and that the family is being ministered to.

Sacrifices at Funerals? Culture Is Changing

Howard Burgoyne of Bellevue, WA, writes: What a blessing to hear about the ministry of Pastor Vining to the family and community of Niah Her Lo in St. Paul. I was blessed to know the Lo family while serving that congregation in the early 1990’s. Nia Her was a powerful witness to Jesus Christ and this sensitive adaptation of Hmong culture with the gospel of Jesus Christ is a marvelous capstone to his spiritual journey. No grudges! Thanks be to God for his reconciling power.

Peter Thao of LaCrosse, WI, writes: Thank you so much, Pastor Anne. This is the first time I see a Christian allow spiritual freedom to a Hmong American family. This is a good start. I hope I can meet and talk to you. This issue is so interesting to me. I really hope to build bridge between the Christian and Animist or Hmong Shamanism tradition belief.

J. Curtis Jennings of Longview, TX, writes: Spiritual freedom from what? The teaching of the New Testament?

David Noreen of Westminster, CO, writes: The account of ministry with the Hmong people at First Covenant, St. Paul, was a great affirmation of the church’s dedication to community outreach.

Small Church – Big Impact on Ministry

Jim Swanson of New Smyrna Beach, FL, writes: Port Allegheny has had a long and good history. Song writer/entertainer Bob Stromberg, for instance, grew up in that congregation.

Robert C. Larson of Arlington Heights, IL, writes: As I read this article, I thought about the pastors who served Port Allegany and had an impact on these future ministers. Because it is a small church, I assume that salaries were not large and that fame would be elusive. I also wonder if one of these pastors read this news item and simply smiled indicating that it was worth it after all. And his spouse, too, may have smiled and then they hugged each other with tears in their eyes.

Older Stories

Occasionally we receive comments about stories published some time ago. Most often, readers come across them while topically perusing search engines or when visiting the online Covenant News Archive maintained by Covenant News Service. We appreciate reader comments at any time about any story that has appeared as part of our online Covenant news report.

Retiring Dvorak to Continue Brown Hymnal Tradition

Dave Ericson of Maple Grove, MN, writes: I am so happy that the Brown Hymnal Society is going to continue on. I grew up in the Covenant with the brown hymnal. As an adult, we attended Park Avenue Covenant in Minneapolis where the brown hymnals were used every Wednesday during prayer meeting. I am the proud owner of a brown hymnal that my father used while pastoring several churches. Many if not most of the pages have the dates and churches when the songs were sung. I found another hymnal at the goodwill store, but had to give it up to my brother, Rob, in Virginia. It is so much fun to see the pride that people with their own hymnals display as they walk into the Brown Hymnal Society songfest. It’s also a reunion of sorts when you see old friends that have spread around the Twin Cities. What a wonderful tradition!

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