CHICAGO, IL (March 21, 2006) – Hardly a week goes by that we do not receive a few comments from readers on stories published as part of the Covenant online news report.
We will share from time to time some of those responses generated through the “comments” link attached to each published story. This kind of feedback is very helpful to our Covenant News Service staff as we seek to identify and publish stories of great interest to a broad spectrum of online readers of this report.
Following are comments relating to recently published stories, edited in some cases for length. To read a particular story of interest, click on the headline.
Retiring Dvorak to Continue Brown Hymnal Tradition
Marilyn E. Moore of Somerville, MA, writes: Well, praise you, Lord. Bob could NEVER give up singing completely. We will continue to love and sing with him any chance we get. Bob is a wonderful man and leads worship with love and with much music and laughter. Although he is technically retiring, he will be welcome anywhere he is invited.
Immigration Creates Challenge, Opportunity
Heidi Winter of Palmer, AK, writes: It is so good to hear from Jan and Richard, and to hear more of their work and ministry. I like to hear about the work of missionaries we support through our Covenant Church.
Older Stories
Occasionally we receive comments about stories published some time ago. Most often, readers come across them while topically perusing search engines or when visiting the online Covenant News Archive maintained by Covenant News Service. We appreciate reader comments at any time about any story that has appeared as part of our online Covenant news report.
Unique Room Sparks Renewed Interest in Prayer
Sonya Osborne of Antigua writes: I praise God for what you have done. For a long time now I have thought of building a prayer room. I live in Antigua in the Caribbean, but am from Guyana. Two months ago I visited my country and saw the many prayer rooms which the Hindus had built in their yards for their gods. It continued to trouble me. I pray God that when I erect my own home, as I am trusting him to do, that I would also erect a prayer room, an oasis in the community for us all.
Andersons Receive Irving C. Lambert Award
Annette Anderson of Tulare, CA, writes: Wow, I just Googled my name and found many “Annette Andersons.” The weird part is in the similarities. I was also married to someone named Jim Anderson. I am a registered nurse in pediatrics. And I am a follower of Christ. I was born in 1966 in California. Strange to have the same name . . . even stranger to share professions and beliefs. The “Jim” part doesn’t surprise me, though. In (my) Jim’s family, all male children are named James – four generations that I know of so far. God bless and have a great day. If you could pass this along, I would love to say hi to the Andersons.
Vision for Detroit Ministry Fast Becoming Reality
Harriett Henderson of Forest Park, IL, writes: I am grateful for the news story regarding Rev. Care’s departure from Salem Baptist Church. I always knew that God would bless Rev. Carey with his own church, but little did I know; it would be so far away, but I truly understand. Rev. Carey, you are truly missed – and Detroit, Michigan, you have truly received a MAN OF GOD! May God continue to bless and keep you and your lovely family.
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