Advent: What Questions Do We Have of God?

Post a Comment » Written on December 19th, 2005     
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EAST HAMPTON, CT (December 19, 2005)  – Editor’s note: In preparation for  the Christmas observance, Covenant Communications is sharing devotionals  that originally appeared in local Covenant church newsletters and are  being published here by permission. The following comes from pastor Tom  Anderson of Haddam Neck Covenant Church in East Hampton, CT.

By Tom Anderson
The Lord will lay bare his holy arm in the sight of all nations, and  all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God. (Isaiah  52:10)
Andrew Thomas (Ursin) Martins, born October 5, 2005, was in church for  the first time last Sunday wrapped in swaddling clothes, still in the  ‘pink’ of his baby flesh and from appearances weighing not much more  than his six pounds, six-ounce birth weight. Many were able to gingerly  hold him. My turn will come soon enough as we anticipate his baptism.
From Luke 2:25-32 comes this story:
A man named Simeon was in Jerusalem. He was a good man and he loved  God. He was watching and waiting for the one who would save Israel. The  Holy Spirit was on him. The Holy Spirit had shown him that he would not  die before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. He came into the temple, led  by the Spirit. The parents brought in the child Jesus to do what the law  said they should do about him. Then Simeon took Jesus in his arms and  praised God. He said, ‘Lord, now you are letting your servant go in  peace, just as you have said. I have seen with my own eyes the one you  have sent to save people. You have made this way for all peoples to be  saved. He is a light which will shine for those who do not know God. He  is the one who will bring praise to your people Israel.’
Seeing a life no larger than Andrew Thomas, Simeon was prepared to “go  in peace.”
What are you expecting before you are ready to go in peace? How many  questions do you have for God? How much evidence must you accumulate  before you’re ready to declare “with my own eyes I have seen your  salvation?”
I marvel at Simeon’s faith, which is not credited to him, but to the  Holy Spirit whose company he kept. By comparison, I want so much more. I  want God to have my life all taken care of before I’ll boldly proclaim  God’s salvation. But Simeon sees it in a life no bigger than Andrew Thomas.
An Advent prayer: O God, capture my inner thoughts this Christmas with  thy salvation, which has been revealed. Put to rest my fears and  anxieties, which sinfully disturb my peace and the peace of others. Let  me hear the choirs of angels sing, “Glory to God in the highest, and on  earth, peace, good will toward humanity.” May your Holy Spirit rest upon  us and console us and magnify your small presence among us so as to  satisfy our souls.
(Editor’s note: to read earlier Advent messages, please see:
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