God Comes When We Least Expect Him

Post a Comment » Written on December 18th, 2004     
Filed under: News
WESTERVILLE, OH (December 18, 2004)  – Editor’s note: In preparation for the  Christmas observance, Covenant Communications is sharing seven  devotionals that originally appeared in local church newsletters and are  being published here by permission. The following comes from pastor Tim  Heintzelman of Faith Covenant Church.

By Tim Heintzelman

At some point during this Advent season, we will most likely sing “Come  Thou Long Expected Jesus.” However, for many of us, it will not be the  expectedness of Jesus’ coming this year that may grab our hearts and minds.I get the sense that amidst all of our careful preparations and  thoughtful planning, we do not suspect that God may have a few surprises  in store for us. Doubtless, we have probably already circled a few dates  on our busy calendars and have already intentioned to attend a couple of  parties without realizing that God, like “Candid Camera,” will be showing up when we least expect it.

How do I know this?

A quick look at the scriptures reveals that God delights in coming to  ordinary people amidst their day-to-day activities. Moses was tending  sheep when he saw a burning bush. Gideon was threshing wheat when God  commissioned him to free his enslaved people. Saul was looking for some  donkeys that had strayed away from home when Samuel was told that this  young Benjamite was to be Israel’s first king.

Elisha was plowing with 12 yoke of oxen when he received his calling to  be a prophet. Amos was picking the fruit of sycamore trees when God gave  him a new assignment. Mary was going about her daily life when Gabriel  told her about God’s plan of salvation. The shepherds were simply  looking after their flocks when the wonderful news of Jesus’ birth lit  up the night sky.

God hasn’t changed. He still comes to His people bring news of hope, joy  and deliverance.

Therefore, God is coming to us . . . this year . . . in the very midst  of our responsibilities, work, plans and preparations. Now this is not  to say that we won’t be naturally drawn to celebrating our Lord’s first  coming as a baby born in Bethlehem. Nor is it to suggest that at least some of our thoughts this year will not turn towards  anticipating His glorious Second Coming (truly, that event can’t come  soon enough for most of us!).

Friends, I take great joy in knowing that during this season of Advent,  God will be coming to us anew. And even if we are wise enough to expect  His unexpectedness . . . my sense is that He is still able to surround  us with His boundless capacity for wonder, peace and love.

Copyright © 2011 The Evangelical Covenant Church.

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