CHET Graduation Celebrates 15th Anniversary

Post a Comment » Written on December 7th, 2004     
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BELL GARDENS, CA (December 7, 2004)  – More than 300 people attended the 2004  graduation and 15th year celebration of CHET, the Hispanic Center for  Theological Studies, held last Saturday at Primera Iglesia del Pacto.

Ed Delgado, dean and vice president, said that the commencement event  included the awarding of degrees to 80 individuals who completed various  programs and the installation of CHET’s first chaplains, Liria and Diego  Cerne.

Special guests from the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC) included Donn  Engebretson, executive vice president; former Pacific Southwest  Conference Supt. John C. Notehelfer; Dr. David Mark, Latin American  coordinator for the Department of World Mission; Walter Contreras,  director of church planting for the Pacific Southwest Conference; and  the Dr. Pablo Anabalon, pastor of the Covenant Hispanic church in Eagle  Rock.

Also attending and participating in the ceremony was the musical  ensemble “Mi Primer Amor” (My First Love), composed of young musicians  trained by church planting pastor Danny Martinez, a graduate of the CHET  Licenciatura program. This ensemble comes from the Iglesia Filadelphia,  pastored by another CHET Licenciatura graduate, Alejandro Mendoza.

CHET’s installation of chaplains was the culmination of a training  process that had its roots in the area where the main campus is located.  The Cernes are founding members of the Covenant Hispanic church of Eagle  Rock and graduates of CHET’s Ministerial Program. Born in Argentina, they have been married for 51 years and have  recently retired from their family owned business that focused on the  repair of European automobiles. According to Delgado, more than 200  persons made commitments for Christ while having their cars serviced.  Anabalon and Contreras officiated in their installation.

The school also honored two board members, Oscar Pierola and Lyle  Stokes, for their significant ministry efforts. Pierola was a founding CHET board member  and served as board chair for 15 years. Stokes was responsible for  facilitating the Endowment Fund for CHET’s establishment through the  sale of First Covenant Church of Los Angeles, participated in CHET’s  founding and development, and was its board secretary for 15 years.

Stokes also was a respected professor of the Book of Revelations and the  Gifts of the Spirit at CHET. He and his wife, Rosie, received  recognition from CHET President Jorge Maldonado at the event.

CHET (Centro Hispano de Estudios Teológicas) is a theological and  pastoral training center for Hispanic church planters, pastors, and lay  leaders, having grown from 35 to more than 400 students since 1989. This  year’s class included 40 graduates from CHET’s Basic Program, 26 from the Family Counseling Program, seven from its  Ministerial program, five from the Licenciatura in Christian Ministry  program and two from the Covenant External Orientation Program. About 27  percent of those being educated at CHET have Covenant backgrounds, said  Delgado. CHET has long enjoyed a diverse student population as its  demographic represents 16 denominations coming from 17 countries.

Approved by the ECC Board of the Ordered Ministry, CHET serves as a  subsidiary of North Park University and is endorsed by three other  prominent organizations: AHET, the Association for Hispanic Theological Education; FIET, The  International Faculty of Theological Education; and  EIRENE-Internacional, the Latin American Association of Advising and  Familiar Pastoral Counseling.

To learn more about CHET and its programs, call Delgado at 562-806-8325  or email him at More information is also available  by visiting the school’s website at

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