Happy #FreedomFriday, readers!
As you may have read last week, we decided to pull the curtain back so you can get to know our team of Freedom Fighters over the next few weeks. Each member of our LMDJ team are answering the same five questions this month so you can get to know us. Last week we introduced our Executive Minister, Paul Robinson. This week, meet the Reverend Ramelia Williams, LMDJ’s Director of Ministry Initiatives!
A bit about Ramelia’s life outside of LMDJ:
Rev. Ramelia Williams is a 5 on the Enneagram with a robust 4 wing. Fives are visionary and pioneering, they can see solutions to challenges. Very perceptive and insightful as a Five, she naturally notices the emotions in the room and sniffs out the need for mercy ministry. A Five wants to find out why things are the way they are, so her favorite words are ‘how’ and ‘why.’ As Four’s go, she is highly creative. Ramelia is a hobby artist who engages various art forms like canvass painting, aluminum sculpture and pencil sketching. She experiences deep joy when writing, laughing with family and close friends, hiking mountains, riding horses, swimming or taking in breathtaking views of God’s creation.
A bit about Ramelia’s job within LMDJ:
As the LMDJ Director of Ministry Initiatives her primary work is divided among 3 missional priorities. She offers support as churches discern vision and missionally plan for justice-centered community development that brings the shalom of God to the community where they are planted. As part of that work, she administrates grant opportunities to aid Covenant churches in community development ministry beyond their church walls. Educating churches on the theology of abuse, building awareness of the impact of abuse, and advocating for VictimSurvivors is carried out through the Advocacy for Victims of Abuse ministry she leads. Collaborating with Serve Globally, she also leads the domestic ministry of the FREE anti-sex trafficking movement.

One of Ramelia’s Freedom-Fighting she/heroes:
My favorite freedom-fighting she-ro is Harriet Tubman. Her tenacity and passion for the freedom of the abused and oppressed is transcendent and inspiring.
One social media account Ramelia thinks everyone should follow:
LMDJ, of course! 🙂
[Here are links to LMDJ’s Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook accounts.]
One book Ramelia thinks everyone should read:
Barracoon: The Story of the Last “Black Cargo” is the life narrative of Oluale Kossola, the last living survivor of the transatlantic slave trade at the time it was written by Zora Neale Hurston in the 1920’s. He tells his story of enslavement, freedom, and diasporic existence. As we negotiate racial tension and the social location of African-Americans in our society, this story embodies a Sankofa moment. It personifies a lived experience that allows us to contemplate the past while considering how we want the future to be different.