Red Tape: A thorn or a blessing?

Post a Comment » Written on March 31st, 2010     
Filed under: missions

Every three years we have to renew our visa in order to be allowed to remain in Japan legally. The stamp in Hydi and all three kids’ passports says their current period of stay expires today, March 31st 2010. So …

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Arms and Ankles

Post a Comment » Written on February 27th, 2010     
Filed under: Kids' Sports

Over the years our family has been quite fortunate when it comes to sickness and injuries. But you wouldn’t know it from the past couple of months. Kendra started coughing around Christmas and is just getting over it now… She’s …

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Being the Body

1 Comment » Written on February 13th, 2010     
Filed under: missions

Followers of Jesus probably end up turning off others when we talk too much about being the “body of Christ”. After all, it does sound a bit presumptuous at best… Nevertheless, it’s a pretty central part of our identity, both …

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Gunma in my blood

Post a Comment » Written on February 1st, 2010     
Filed under: missions

Gunma Prefecture is about 100km north of Tokyo and my roots go pretty deep there. Our family lived in Gunma from the time of my birth until my first trip to the U.S. at age 5. I still have lots …

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A Cold Night in San’ya

Post a Comment » Written on January 21st, 2010     
Filed under: missions

San’ya is the city that no longer exists. During the Edo period (17th-19th cent.) this area was known as Fujiwara, the red-light district. Later came the name San’ya which means mountain valley, for there used to be a mountain (actually …

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Back in the Groove

Post a Comment » Written on January 21st, 2010     
Filed under: missions

O.K.! I confess! I am guilty of neglecting this blog for ages! (Over 6 months to be exact!) I guess it just gets discouraging when there isn’t any feedback. But others have told me they are looking, even if not …

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When Things Don’t Go Right

Post a Comment » Written on July 7th, 2009     
Filed under: home assignment

The past couple of days have gone by like a Colorado afternoon thunder shower. Fast, confused, scary at times, and just a bit too crazy for my taste. Problem is, the dark clouds haven’t quite passed yet.

I guess moving …

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Summer Camp

Post a Comment » Written on July 1st, 2009     
Filed under: home assignment, missions
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I spent a wonderful week from June 21st thru June 27th high in the Rockies at Covenant Heights, a denominational camp site near Estes Park. I had a blast playing the role of camp missionary, staff assistant, and whatever else …

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Homiletics: Reading List

Post a Comment » Written on May 25th, 2009     
Filed under: homiletics

At the festival we also enjoyed a wonderful bookstore, temporarily set up at the church by Cokesbury. Wow! What an incredible collection of great homiletical literature. I picked up the following books and have already started reading!

“The Purposes of …

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Festival of Homiletics: Final Day

Post a Comment » Written on May 25th, 2009     
Filed under: homiletics

Well, it’s been an incredible week and the final day was no exception.

Thomas Troeger gave a lecture, followed by a sermon. His insights and incredible imagination are such an inspiration! His lecture was titled “Preaching in an Age of …

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