Fishing Village Folk Song

Post a Comment » Written on February 10th, 2012     
Filed under: earthquake

Here is the video I promised you.

I’m back in Tokyo but no time to post tonight. I’ll post a final summary of our trip asap.


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New Songs, Old Songs

3 comments Written on February 9th, 2012     
Filed under: earthquake

God will let you laugh again;
you’ll raise the roof with shouts of joy (Job 8:21; The Message)

Ryori is a fishing town near a beautifully secluded harbor out on the peninsula just north of Ofunato City. Ryori is known …

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Old Stories, New Ideas

4 comments Written on February 8th, 2012     
Filed under: earthquake

We woke up to a bright sunny morning in Miyako, and it was cold! But a warm breakfast at the basecamp of the Hokkaido Christian Ministries Network got us going for a full day. In preparation for the mobile cafe …

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Back in Tohoku

Post a Comment » Written on February 7th, 2012     
Filed under: earthquake

Today I once again made the long drive to Miyako city in Iwate. We left Tokyo around 1:30PM and got to Miyako at 10PM. This week we are here with a team from Wheaton College Graduate School. They have recently …

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Final Day in Roi Et

9 comments Written on October 6th, 2011     
Filed under: missions

Thursday saw the conclusion of the Asia Covenant Consultation and began with a worship time lead by the delegation from Japan.  The crowd sang together and the Pastor Ino shared from the Gospel accounts of Jesus in the garden of …

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Planting Trees and Giving Thanks

Post a Comment » Written on October 5th, 2011     
Filed under: missions

Day two of the Asia Covenant Consultation VII started with worship let by the Taiwan delegation. True to form they had the crowd up and jumping in no time!

Next we heard two engaging presentations about missions from Jim Gustafson …

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Celebrating Unity and Diversity in Thailand

4 comments Written on October 4th, 2011     
Filed under: missions

This week I am in Roi Et, Thailand with a delegation of nine pastors and lay people, representing the Japan Covenant Church at the Asia Covenant Consultation, VII. It was under the urging of former ECC Dept. of World Mission …

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Reasons for Hope

2 comments Written on September 15th, 2011     
Filed under: earthquake, missions

In our morning devotions we talked about finding hope, even when thinks look bleak and reflected on the source of our hope, the resurrection! As people of a resurrection faith, we choose to view lots of difficult situations from a …

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Just Chillin’

2 comments Written on September 14th, 2011     
Filed under: earthquake, missions

Today started early. I was up before sunrise, grabbed a couple of cameras and drove down to the nearest beach to get some shots of the sunrise.

The spot where I was shooting is a little harbor and what immediately …

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Destruction, loss and heartbreak; up real close!

1 Comment » Written on September 13th, 2011     
Filed under: earthquake, missions

It rained most of the day so we had to cancel our planned portable cafe; a new service the network has been offering in temporary housing neighborhoods. We expect to do it tomorrow so I’ll report on it then. Instead …

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