ALC Prayer Requests July 2014

Wit and Noi
Married a 1 1/2 years now, Wit and Noi have decided to move out of Noi’s sister’s home and begin a life together in their own apartment. Pray that they continue to grow in the knowledge and love of God
Wednesday 3
Close to finishing a 3 year Bible school program, San wants to use her studies to teach others and is part of the team that is reaching back to former church members and neighbors in Christ’s Name.
Wednesday 2
Taw and Lek used to be vibrant church members at our old site but are now pouring their lives into their family business and have returned to their former allegiances.
Wednesday 1
Reaching back to a former friend and colleague after many years apart…may God move powerfully and bring His truth and healing.
New friend and seamstress, Tuk….admitting she is lost, wanting a better life but wanting proof before she believes in God…
So fitting the sentiments of this shirt Nat wears…So much disappointment and hardship in her life and now she’s not sure if God really cares.
Tuu has resumed teaching guitar and drums to church members and two young people from our neighborhood….closing our sessions with a time of worship together. May God be praised!
She carries heavy burdens for her family and major responsibility for ALC Crafts. May Kul keep learning what it means to cast all her cares upon the One who cares for her….
Iiya is seeking and finding God as she is involved in weekly Bible studies. She asks for prayer for her son who has entered the teenage years and as she parents him alone.
Faa and Bethany
Our two high school graduates. Bethany has returned to the states to study while Faa has put college aside to work for a season…. Pray that both would find their fulfillment in Christ.











Duang’s love for God and people has naturally put her in many places of leadership. Pray that she would take time to rest and that she would trust in God for her family.
Prit keeps stepping up to the plate and trying new things.  She desires her faith to be consistent and that she would stand firm for Christ in all situations
Prit keeps stepping up to the plate and trying new things. She desires her faith to be consistent and that she would stand firm for Christ in all situations
The pull of drugs, gaming & girls are ever present options that pull these young men away from God's heart for their lives.  Pray that their faith would be real and their relationship with Christ would be vital.
The attraction of drugs, gaming & girls are ever present options that pull these young men away from God’s heart for their lives. Pray that their faith would be real and their relationship with Christ would be vital.




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