Superintendents Encouraged by Covenant Kids Congo

Post a Comment » Written on June 18th, 2012     
Filed under: Hope Sunday, News & Updates
Last month, the CKC Team had the opportunity to spend the better part of a day at the Council of Superintendents retreat at Covenant Harbor in Lake Geneva, WI. We were grateful at how they were willing to suspend their retreat to talk mission and mobilization. What struck us were not only the ways we could collaborate conference-by-conference, but the Superintendents’ various hopes for their churches.

Since then, we’ve been able to catch up with three of the Superintendents, and this is what they had to share.

Jerome Nelson, Central Conference:

After initial concern about how organized the presentation would be, I was pleased with just how organized the Covenant Kids Congo team was in presenting the vision to us. There seemed to be a great effort being put into this project. I came away from the retreat feeling a sense of awareness as to how best we can spread the word to our churches.



Tammy Swanson-Dreheim, Midwest Conference:

I am hopeful that the Covenant Kids Congo initiative will touch the hearts of Covenanters throughout the denomination.  I am excited about the possibility of having a pervasive impact on one of the poorest places on earth.  I am imagining what it might look like to make a concentrated break through in eliminating poverty and starvation and curable diseases.  I look forward to seeing what God does through this partnership, both in Congo and in us.



Garth Bolinder, Midsouth Conference:

At the recent Council of Superintendents it was a privilege to hear a briefing from some of the team leaders of Covenant Kids Congo/Powered by World Vision (Reesheda Washington, Karen Hallberg, Adam Phillips, and John Volinsky).  I was encouraged by their vision, passion and capacity.  As CKC gets rolling it will bring significant sustainable relief, development and blessing to our friends in the Congo Covenant Church.  CKC will also have a profound impact on the Covenant Church in North America as it unites us around generosity, humility and partnership with the Congo Covenant Church.  The Congo Covenant Church is a brave church in great need.  Through CKC we may be helping them, but they will be teaching us.  I hope we oversubscribe the initial sign-up by at least 50% in the first year.  Through Covenant Kids Congo/Powered by World Vision may God’s resources be released through God’s people for God’s purposes in God’s world.  And may God alone get all the glory!

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