Ever wonder what life is like for your sponsored child? Watch a short video from Ledia, Congo and experience the everyday sights and sounds in your child’s world. You’ll also hear about the unique challenges facing the community, and learn more about hopes children and families have for their future.
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Hello. We are sponsoring a child through Covenant Kids Congo. This is not a new video. It is the same one we saw late last year. We have been sponsoring since November 2013, and we have never heard from our sponsored child. This has been disappointing since the children at our church are working hard to sponsor him. They have sent letters and emails. We would very much like to hear back from him, or receive some new info.
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05.30.14 at 1:28 pm
Hi, Just a suggestion to raise more money. I would buy a video of these children singing. Their singing is beautiful and inspiring. Or perhaps a CD.
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05.31.14 at 12:56 am
Thank you for making Ledia a reality to us through this video. May we always keep them and others in our prayers.
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06.06.14 at 8:40 pm