Health clinic in Gemena.
We continue to fight our way forward towards the realization of our goals – combating poverty and seeing children’s lives improved.
One of the many advantages of World Vision establishing an office and programs in the Equateur Province is that other influential international organizations trust World Vision’s long-standing reputation in development and are now able to commit to projects in the region. In fact, so many organizations have approached World Vision for partnership that they have had to turn some away in order to manage existing partnerships well. The existing partners know World Vision’s structure, including rigorous monitoring and evaluation, will ensure success and sustainability.
The UK Government’s Department for International Development (DFID), is a major World Vision partner and will be launching a medical program to be based out of the northern Ubangi capital city, Gbadolite. The goal of this particular partnership is to open access for the entire population to have access to affordable healthcare. This will include providing medicines, hospital equipment, and hygiene and sanitation education among other services. World Vision’s three major church partners: The Covenant Church of Congo (CEUM), The Free Church of the Congo (CECU), and The Catholic Church in Congo (Molegbe Diocese) will be the primary hospitals and health clinics supported by this grant.

Maternity ward at Karawa hospital.
The program will be officially launched July 12th in Gbadolite including special training of staff involved in the project the following three days. Delegation of DFID in UK will be joining with DFID/IMA – Kinshasa in order to make this happen.
Partnership is never the easiest way, but we believe in the end it is the best way, bringing more resources and reaching more people. Read more about DFID in Democratic Republic of Congo by clicking here.