Water & Education: A Progress Report

Post a Comment » Written on September 18th, 2013     
Filed under: Child Sponsorship, Ground Update, Hope Sunday, Missionary Update, News & Updates

Written by Christine Buettgen, short-term missionary in DR Congo

Another sunny day in Congo, and the World Vision office is buzzing as usual. The latest exciting projects address two of the biggest needs in Gemena: Water and Education.

The Ledia

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Ten Quick Facts on Covenant Kids Congo

Post a Comment » Written on September 12th, 2013     
Filed under: Child Sponsorship, Ground Update, Hope Sunday, News & Updates, Resources

1. The name of the city where most of the work is occurring on this Area Development Program (ADP) is Gemena which is located in the northwest region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo).

2. The name chosen …

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Community Covenant Cartwheels for Congo

Post a Comment » Written on September 10th, 2013     
Filed under: Child Sponsorship, Events, Featured Churches, News & Updates

This summer, Community Covenant Church in Kearney, MO helped raise money for clean water in Congo through their VBS program. Specifically, they raised money for the Ledia Water Project which has been a focus for Covenant camps this summer.

Mike …

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Ocean Hills Raises Money for CKC

Post a Comment » Written on September 4th, 2013     
Filed under: Events, Featured Churches, News & Updates

We recently mentioned how Ocean Hills Covenant Church in Santa Barbara, CA was raising money for Covenant Kids Congo through the Santa Barbara Triathlon. They were able to raise over $12,000 for children in Congo. Check out as they …

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Furthering the Work in Congo

Post a Comment » Written on August 27th, 2013     
Filed under: Child Sponsorship, Events, Hope Sunday, News & Updates

Renée Stearns (of World Vision) was a keynote speaker at Triennial XIV and here, along with Merritt Sawyer (President and Executive Director of Paul Carlson Partnership) and Lois Carlson Bridges (wife of the late Paul Carlson), shares her thoughts on …

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Ocean Hills Sprints for Kids

Post a Comment » Written on August 23rd, 2013     
Filed under: Child Sponsorship, Events, Featured Churches, Hope Sunday, News & Updates

Members of Ocean Hills Covenant are participating in the Santa Barbara Triathlon, Saturday, August 25th to raise funds for Covenant Kids Congo powered by World Vision and Ocean Hills Kids. This is yet another creative way churches throughout the …

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Young Pianist Raises Support for CKC

Post a Comment » Written on August 22nd, 2013     
Filed under: Child Sponsorship, Events, Featured Churches, News & Updates

Check out this recent article from the Covenant Newswire on fourteen-year old pianist Roger Shen who decided to use his talents to raise funds for Covenant Kids Congo powered by World Vision. The concert was hosted at Northbrook Covenant Church

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Congo Pavilion: A Quick Tour

Post a Comment » Written on August 20th, 2013     
Filed under: Child Sponsorship, Events, News & Updates, Travel

1001709_398248510275179_580842987_nLast week, our team was privileged to be able to spend time worshiping and sharing with the women attending Triennial XIV at the Town & Country Resort in San Diego, CA. Covenant Kids Congo powered by World Vision was a …

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Child Sponsor Follows God’s Call to DR Congo

Post a Comment » Written on August 12th, 2013     
Filed under: Child Sponsorship, Featured Churches, Ground Update, Hope Sunday, News & Updates, Travel

Click here to read an article on Denee Anderson, a member of Naperville Covenant Church, who was on a recent Vision Trip to DR Congo with church members and some ECC denominational staff. This demonstrates one way in which …

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Volunteer Shares His Love for the Children of Congo

1 Comment » Written on August 8th, 2013     
Filed under: Child Sponsorship, Ground Update, Hope Sunday, News & Updates, Travel

[vimeo id=”70827066″]

Note: The translation in the video above is hard to hear. Please turn up the volume on your device before viewing to hear better.

Written by Kim Crawford, associate director for Mission & Mobilization

His name is Karl. …

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