Pastor Mike Coglan, right, and Randy Thee as the Blues Brothers.
This summer, Community Covenant Church in Kearney, MO helped raise money for clean water in Congo through their VBS program. Specifically, they raised money for the Ledia Water Project which has been a focus for Covenant camps this summer.
Mike Coglan, pastor of Community Covenant, along with church member Randy Thee, dressed up as the Blues Brothers. On a ‘mission from God’, each night they brought information about the need for clean water sources in Gemena and encouraged the children to consider how they could help. The excitement during the week was contagious and the offering collected was the largest ever during a VBS program at the church. A total of $500 was raised towards water with some raised by a challenge towards Pastor Coglan. For every cartwheel he was able to complete, an additional $2 was donated towards water. On the final night, he was able to complete ten cartwheels.
We continue to be grateful for the creative ways churches are supporting Covenant Kids Congo powered by World Vision. If you have a story to share, please email us at covenantkidscongo@covchurch.org.