Leaders were inspired by Isaiah 58, in which the prophet calls on Israel to fast for justice and serve the poor. Congregation members completed cards pledging to “fast” from a certain product or activity and donate the savings to the campaign.
“We asked people to give up something good to participate in something great,” Erlenborn stated.
Some congregants gave up certain foods, others substituted meals such as beans and rice for their regular dinners. One individual rode a bike to work rather than drive and donated the gas money. Others decided not to go on vacation. When this campaign began, leaders did not know specifically how the money would be used. “Nine months ago when we started this, all we knew was we wanted to do something,” said Erlenborn.
The congregation initially hoped to raise $25,000 – that would be matched with money from the church’s mission fund and other special gifts. The church far surpassed its goal and raised $53,000 – before the match. Rather than just match the $25,000, church leadership decided mission funds would be used to match the entire amount, so the final total was $106,000. They decided to contribute $50,000 to Covenant Kids Congo and then allocate the remaining funds among several ministries.
Following the service, Walter said, “I was so heartened by this gift. This is the fruit of a congregation that has really been seeking how to tangibly engage around deep need in the world, particularly Congo. I know there are many other congregations doing the same.”
We encourage you to check out the full story on Covenant Newswire!