Hope Sunday Feature Church: Forest Park Covenant Church

Post a Comment » Written on August 6th, 2012     
Filed under: Featured Churches, Hope Sunday, News & Updates
The following is an example of how Forest Park Covenant Church in Muskegon, MI is presenting their Hope Sunday event to the community this fall. We hope it will inspire your church as you consider how to host a Hope Sunday. More feature church stories are coming so keep checking back here. If your church has a story to share, email us at covenantkidscongo@covchurch.org.


Written by Wally Coots, pastor of Forest Park Covenant

This month Forest Park Covenant begins to focus toward our Hope Sunday which is scheduled for October 14th. We are unpacking Covenant Kids Congo powered by World Vision (CKC) in three phases. Phase One began with an article in our newsletter explaining CKC. The same article will also be in the bulletin for the next three Sundays. It gives the basics concerning what Covenant Kids Congo is all about and challenges our congregation to begin thinking and praying now. Phase 2 is our fall sermon series entitled “Vital Signs”. Beginning September 9th, the message centers on one sign of spiritual life in the believer. Each sermon will have a CKC component. We will use illustrations, media and personal testimony to inform our members and friends about the challenge in DR Congo and their role in this partnership. The final phase concludes with the last message and a concert. This part of the series will take place on October 7 and is entitled “Organ Donor: Living a Fulfilling Life”. Using Ephesians 2:10 as the key text congregants will be challenged to step up and make a difference in their world. Following this, on October 10, we will host the Africa Children’s Choir. Our hope is to attract not only our church family but the community as well. That night we will begin accepting sponsorships. Hope Sunday will be the second opportunity to sign-up. Our focus will be celebrating what God is doing through our church and the Covenant as a whole.

Update as of 10/22/12:

As of this week, Forest Park Covenant currently has sponsored 107 children and plans on sponsoring their goal of 160 children. Garth McGrath, superintendent of the Great Lakes Conference, presented the message based around their theme of “Vital Signs”. See below for a video created by the church instructing attenders on how to sponsor a child.

[vimeo id=”52168029″]


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