Hope Center Covenant Youth Group
30 Hour Famine is the best thing we do with our youth group all year. The event combines Christ-centered community, fun and games, sleepover at the church, community service projects, and most importantly, raising awareness and money for hungry people around the world! Tough, yet rewarding.
Some of our successes this year included:
- Great student leadership while planning the event
- Congregational support through financial giving as well as the donation of cans and bottles for recycling
- Ending the Famine after church on Sunday so that more could join in our Break the Fast Celebration
- Serving at our local food bank and library
- Spending time in God’s Word
- And students sharing about their growing trust in God while doing this event
The theme for this year’s Famine was “Feed Your 5,000” and by God’s grace we took that seriously raising $5,926.67, which brought our lifelong total to over $26,000! Praise God!

Serving at the local food bank.
This year we decided to designate our funds to support Covenant Kids Congo powered by World Vision, the initiative by the Evangelical Covenant Church and World Vision. Our youth were inspired to donate towards this cause after attending a Hope Sunday event that talked about the living conditions in the Democratic Republic of Congo, as well as child sponsorships. In Matthew 14, the disciples ask Jesus to send away the crowd, so that they may get something to eat. Jesus replies to His disciples in verse 16, “They do not need to go away. You feed them”. Today we still take that command seriously. Our prayer for the funds donated is that God would multiply them many times over to stop hunger, thirst, and disease and to be a blessing to the people in Congo.
I know these kids and their leaders! They are great and very motivating! Plus they love the Lord!
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04.11.13 at 12:16 am