Fall Kickoff: The Great Need

Post a Comment » Written on October 28th, 2013     
Filed under: Child Sponsorship, Ground Update, Hope Sunday, News & Updates
I hope this finds you well and in good spirits!

Fall is here, and Covenant Kids Congo powered by World Vision is alive and well! We continue to be encouraged by the progress unfolding in this miraculous ministry both in our development efforts here and on the ground in Congo!

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To date, we have nearly 300 church participants and close to the equivalent of 7,000 children sponsored. We are astounded by the progress we’ve enjoyed in the past year, and we know it has only been because of the grace and love God continues to bestow upon us and our brothers and sisters of Congo.

While we are incredibly appreciative for these developments, we recognize that the true successes are the ones that we can see unfolding on the ground in Congo. As we speak, the construction of three schools is underway, with parents and community members at the helm of the collaborative process with World Vision!

Additionally, mothers have been partaking of nutrition classes that teach them how to prepare meals in ways that preserve nutrients vital to the health and quality of life of their children and families.

We see the value in these developments, and yet, nothing pleases us more than the current processes underway to drill and rehabilitate existing water sources in an effort to provide water for life for 300,000 people in the Equateur Province!

The generous support of churches on behalf of Covenant Kids Congo in year one was an instrumental catalyst to our success. We are enlivened by the momentum their participation generated for our team and for this ministry. And while we are excited about churches galvanizing to stand alongside our brothers and sisters in Congo, we know that there are still more yet to participate and many more Covenanters yet to be inspired.

Simply put, we are hoping for an opportunity to partner with you in the inspiration of Covenant Kids Congo. Won’t you consider how we might work together on a challenge initiative this fall? We would welcome a time to communicate, even via email, about the possibilities for 2013. Please feel free to email us at covenantkidscongo@covchurch.org or call 224.585.0625. May God continue to encourage and challenge us all in ways that stretch us!

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