- A birthing bed at the health center before CVA was implemented.
- Kpawenu stands next to a new birthing bed, one of multiple improvements at the health center.
Kpawenu, 45, is married and the mother of 10 children. She and her family live in Gemena 3. She has seen, first hand, how Citizen Voice and Action (CVA) has made an impact in her community.
“I am very happy to see how World Vision supports, through its advocacy, the Citizen Voice and Action approach,” she says.
Earlier this year, a team of community members were trained in the CVA approach. The CVA group asked Kpawenu and other community members to collect information on the quality of care and services offered at the local health center. The information was used to compare the current level of care with specific standards established by the Ministry of Health.
The findings were shared, discussed, and evaluated during a meeting, which involved community members, service providers, policy makers, and the provincial Ministry of Health.
The efforts revealed a number of areas that were not in compliance with the standards set by the Ministry of Health. As a result, an action plan and recommendations were created to improve the quality of care and services at the health center.
Kpawenu said, “Three months after this assessment, we observed a great change in our health center. Now, we have a childbirth bed, a source of light, water tank, hygienic [sanitation] facilities, and medicines are available.
“I thank my God for the strength that he has given to this advocacy team, but also to World Vision and the sponsors for their support to the program. I thank also our care providers and the Minister of Health who have improved our access to quality health care. Our wish is that this ongoing work [will take place] also in other communities.”
This impact story is from the latest Covenant Kids Congo report. Read the full report here.