Ground Update

Child Sponsor Follows God’s Call to DR Congo

Post a Comment » Written on August 12th, 2013     
Filed under: Child Sponsorship, Featured Churches, Ground Update, Hope Sunday, News & Updates, Travel

Click here to read an article on Denee Anderson, a member of Naperville Covenant Church, who was on a recent Vision Trip to DR Congo with church members and some ECC denominational staff. This demonstrates one way in which …

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Volunteer Shares His Love for the Children of Congo

1 Comment » Written on August 8th, 2013     
Filed under: Child Sponsorship, Ground Update, Hope Sunday, News & Updates, Travel

[vimeo id=”70827066″]

Note: The translation in the video above is hard to hear. Please turn up the volume on your device before viewing to hear better.

Written by Kim Crawford, associate director for Mission & Mobilization

His name is Karl. …

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New Schools Being Built in Gemena!

1 Comment » Written on August 1st, 2013     
Filed under: Child Sponsorship, Ground Update, News & Updates

Check out the Ekstrand’s, Covenant missionaries in DR Congo, latest blog here to see pictures of the school being built in Bokonzo region in Gemena. Three new schools are being built in partnership with the Covenant Church of Congo (CEUM), …

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Partnership Engaging Communities in Christ

1 Comment » Written on July 31st, 2013     
Filed under: Child Sponsorship, Ground Update, News & Updates

Written by Christine Buettgen, short-term missionary in DR Congo

World Vision chooses their staff in every country based on their skill, their experience, and their dedication to the work of development, because this work is not for the faint of …

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Partnership Leverages New Grant!

Post a Comment » Written on July 23rd, 2013     
Filed under: Ground Update, News & Updates

Written by Christine Buettgen, short-term missionary in DR Congo

We continue to fight our way forward towards the realization of our goals – combating poverty and seeing children’s lives improved.

One of the many advantages of World Vision establishing an …

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Chantal’s Story: A World Vision Volunteer

Post a Comment » Written on July 9th, 2013     
Filed under: Child Sponsorship, Ground Update, News & Updates, Travel

Written by Kim Crawford, associate director, Mission Mobilization and Connection

“They are like my own children,” said Chantal speaking of the 110+ registered children that she is responsible for with the Covenant Kids Congo powered by World Vision Ledia Area …

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Work Underway on the Ledia Water Project

2 comments Written on June 25th, 2013     
Filed under: Ground Update, News & Updates, Travel

The Ledia Water Project is a huge feat which will provide clean water for the entire city of Gemena as well as training in proper sanitation and hygiene. Recently, our team was able to spend time visiting future water sites …

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Where Do Your Sponsorship Dollars Go?

4 comments Written on June 20th, 2013     
Filed under: Child Sponsorship, Ground Update, Hope Sunday, Missionary Update, News & Updates

Written by Christine Buettgen, short-term missionary in DR Congo

It was a joy and encouragement to have a Vision Trip team come at the beginning of June. We were only able to have seven people come due to required use …

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Sanguma Speaks on Ledia Project

Post a Comment » Written on June 13th, 2013     
Filed under: Child Sponsorship, Ground Update, News & Updates, Travel

We were able to spend time in Gemena last week visiting the World Vision regional offices where we learned more about the amazing work already happening on the ground there. We were especially honored to spend time with Mossai Sanguma, …

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Williams’ Basketball Ministry Flourishing in Congo

1 Comment » Written on June 11th, 2013     
Filed under: Ground Update, Missionary Update, News & Updates, Travel

On our recent Vision Trip to DR Congo, we were able to not only hear about David Williams’ amazing ministry in Karawa but also witness it in action as we attended a scrimmage last week. The new jerseys were courtesy …

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