Only a 45 Second Investment…

Post a Comment » Written on June 29th, 2012     
Filed under: Featured Churches, Hope Sunday, News & Updates

Gary Gaddini

Written by Gary Gaddini, pastor’s advisory team member and Covenant pastor

It started with a 45 second investment; I can’t wait to experience the return! It literally took me 45 seconds to go to the Covenant Kids Congo website and register Peninsula Covenant for a Hope Sunday. Here’s what is fueling my expectations:

  • It will increase our mission value: While Covenant Kids Congo may appear to compete for missions or other budget dollars; I believe Hope Sunday events and the project will actually generate missions and giving momentum. Now our people will literally have a face, a demographic, a story and a growing relationship to attach to poverty and to the DR Congo. Our hope is that this grows their heart, passion and giving to reflect God’s heart for the World.
  • We get to be a part of a catalytic movement: We can’t solve the enormous systemic challenges that keep this area of the DR Congo in poverty alone. But through this initiative, Peninsula Covenant will join Covenanter’s around the country in partnership with World Vision to form a united force to break the cycle of poverty. I have yet to meet anybody who isn’t drawn to being a part of something bigger than themselves.
  • It is a missional tool: Our vision for Hope Sunday is that it is the culmination of a month long initiative where we invite our greater community to join us in sponsoring children. This is a Kingdom expanding opportunity not just for the Equatorial region of the DR Congo, but Redwood City as well. We intend to invite our body to share the story of child sponsorship and utilize that compelling story to build bridges and share Jesus with our greater community.
What’s cool is that in locking in on a Sunday, our ministry teams can most effectively pray, dream, plan and prepare to steward Hope Sundayand this opportunity. It’s only a 45 second investment, but I believe it will impact eternity! 

We also encourage you to check out Gary’s message at the 2012 Covenant Annual Meeting in Irvine on!

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