We have arrived safely in MN and are settling into Erika’s parent’s place! Thank you to everyone for your prayers for safe travel, especially in the midst of the

Oaxaca teachers’ protests that took over parts of the city, including the gas distribution plant. On the day that Erika and the boys left, the protesters did close down the airport, but thankfully it happened a half hour after the plane had left. Nils, with help of some friends, was able to move all of our furniture to a storefront that we are using as storage for our furniture for this next year. And, in spite of the gas shortage, our friends’ two trucks had enough gas to help with the move.
We have so much to be thankful for, including:
- Sensing God’s presence with us and the many demonstrations of His love for us as we said goodbye and left ministry and friends in Oaxaca. Erika shares more in depth about this in two different blog posts: Week of agape feasts and Mending the Soul brings healing to men and women in Oaxaca
- God’s protection and safety in moving our things and as we traveled back to the US.
- Being able to visit Woodcrest Spanish Immersion School two days before their last day and finding out they do have openings for the boys to attend next year – PTL! The tour they gave us of the school was such a blessing, allowing the boys to envision what school will be like for them next year. It was also exciting when the teachers and some students spoke to the boys in Spanish and to see all the artwork and signs in Spanish. Plus, everyone who greeted them was very friendly. We are so thankful the boys can attend this school.
- Having time with family! It has been so nice to be with Erika’s parents and receive their love and hospitality. We’ve also really enjoyed having her sister’s kids so close by.
- We look forward to seeing Nils’s family at a reunion the end of July, and we did get to see his brother Andrew and his family briefly as they stopped in on their way to camping in South Dakota.
- Please continue to lift our family up in your prayers as we transition back to the US. We are so happy to be here, but also miss our friends, colleagues, our dog Jojo, and other things about life in Oaxaca, so pray for us as we experience some reverse culture shock. You can read more at Clausons’ Top 10 signs you know you are in MN, not Mexico.