During this first week of Easter, I’ve been reflecting on the stories of Resurrection in the Gospels. I preached on Easter Sunday at Iglesia La Hermosa (The Beautiful Church) and the service was beautiful, as we also celebrated communion, which is very rare in evangelical churches in Oaxaca, and two dear friends of ours announced their engagement!
I started my sermon with a monologue from Mary Magdelene because all four of the gospels identify her among the first witnesses of the resurrection. My goal was to try and help us connect with her many emotions that Easter morning when she and the other women went early in the morning to the tomb to anoint Jesus’s body with spices and oil, only to find the stone rolled away and Jesus’ body gone. They were met by angels who tell them that Jesus has risen and they run to tell the disciples “with fear and great joy” (Matt. 28:8).
But since a women’s testimony meant nothing in Jesus’s time, the disciples don’t believe, and only Peter and John are curious enough to go and take a look. John believes and we’re not sure what Peter thinks about it all, but they leave Mary alone at the tomb. I can only imagine Mary’s confusion, fear and sadness, as she stays by the tomb weeping. And yet, in the midst of her utter grief, she encounters the Risen Lord, only she doesn’t know it is Jesus. Not until he calls her name, “Mary”, does she recognize him and holds onto him tightly. However, Jesus sends her on with a mission to tell the disciples (once again) and she goes forth with joy to tell them the good news: I have seen the Lord!
Alleluia!!! May we also encounter the risen Lord and share how we see Him bringing life in, through and around us! So, today, we want to testify to life, like Mary, and share our good news with you!
We will be leaving Oaxaca in June as a family of FOUR and returning one year later as a family of FIVE!
As we anticipate this surprising new gift of life, we have experienced many emotions, similar to what Mary and the women felt, including “fear and great joy”! I am thankful that I have been feeling well other than extra fatigue and a few weird cravings for things that I can’t get here in Oaxaca, like dill pickles. 🙂 I just finished my first trimester and baby and momma are doing well.
Please pray for us all, as we are in the midst of many changes, including this new and exciting one! Pray that we may experience God’s resurrection life, hope and joy in our family, as we say goodbye to friends here and get ready for what God has for us this next year.

Huge congrats to you guys! We’re very excited for you!
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CONGRATULATIONS1 That is wonderful news. It will be so nice to see you family again. I am sure all the grandparents are thrilled.
May the Lord bless and protect your family…especially this little one.
Lovingly, in Christ, Florie
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He is Risen! Indeed!
What an exciting blog. So looking forward to seeing you in July at the Selin-Ramgren gathering.
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Wonderful reflections as always. Our prayers are with you for this significant transition.
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Wow! Somehow God’s timing is perfect, although a surprise for us!
You are in my prayers for all of these changes.
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