Earlier this summer, we had the joy and privilege of having Jana Wipf, a Covenanter from Pasadena, and a student of Peace Studies at Whitworth University volunteering with us in Oaxaca. Besides having the opportunity to see some of the ways God is at work here through missionaries and Mexican leaders, she also served with our friend Boni and his community center by putting together an English curriculum to guide the different volunteers he has coming throughout the year to teach English in impoverished schools just outside of Oaxaca. She is also a lover of dogs and kids, and so Jojo, Lucas and Matías loved having her around. She went with us to the retreat to help take care of the missionary kids while we were in sessions before returning home. Thank you, Jana, for dedicating your summer to learning and service. We have enjoyed getting to know you and trust God will lead you as you make decisions about your future. You are a natural for cross-cultural ministry.