At the end of September, we had the great blessing of being able to travel as a family back the the U.S. for a Clauson Family reunion. My

father, Herb, turned 70 earlier this year and the dream was for the whole family to be able to be together at some point during the year to celebrate. In the end, we had “Herb’s Beach Party” on the Oregon coast near the home of my brother Dave and his family. This was the first time in many years that we were able to be together with my parents and all my brothers and their families. It was especially fun to see Matías and Lucus have time to get to know their cousins better. The days were filled with building sand castles, playing bocce ball, running though the dunes, and looking for clams…not to mention plenty of great food interspersed between games of Rook.
What a gift that was to your Dad and Mom and to all of you. Marj and I have been going through albums–hers, mine, our mother’s, and aunt’s. We are consolidating and sending around many of the duplicates and throwing those–some neither of us recognize. We have had fun and it has reminded us how important our family has been to us.
We always enjoy your e-mails and you are in my prayers daily. So glad that you are enjoying it there. Where will you be at Christmas. That was a real treat to be with your family in Williams Bay last Christmas.
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