We’ve already seen some exciting ministries and heard awesome stories of us how God is at work here in Oaxaca! Nils visited Fuentes Libres, the Covenant non-profit that Erika worked with when she was here 13 years ago, and saw many opportunities to support their micro-enterprise loan ministry, especially in providing spiritual support to the Mexican leaders. One of the young leaders Erika worked with from Fuentes Libres, Bonifacio, has started a community center in a squatter community just outside of Oaxaca City, offering English and computer classes, tutoring, courses for adults to finish their primary and secondary education, as well as Bible studies. His ministry reminds us a lot of the Foundation’s ministry and we would love to be a part of what God is doing there. Erika had an exciting conversation with Mary Cervantes, a youth pastor who has many ideas and desires to explore new ways of reaching out to the many teenagers who are no longer interested in church.
There are so many opportunities to join in what God is already doing here, so please pray as we discern how God can best use us to support these and other ministries. Next Saturday, we will be introduced to the pastors and leaders of the 20 or so churches in Oaxaca state and will have a chance to hear their vision for ministry at a local and regional level. We’ve already had the opportunity to visit a couple of Covenant churches in Oaxaca City, and we also ask for prayer as we decide which church to attend on a regular basis where all of four of us can serve and grow and be a part of a local church family.
Praise the Lord for the following things…
Obviously, this first month we have spent a lot of time getting settled into our new house, finding a car, getting the boys ready for school, and getting familiar with our new surroundings. We thank God for his presence with us in these details and decisions as well.

Matias and Lucas LOVE their new school and are starting to make new friends! This is a total answer to prayer. God has provided an excellent Montessori School that is only a 15 minute walk away from our home! The boys continue to grow physically, emotionally and spiritually, for which we are thankful to our Lord. Erika posted a story about Lucas asking some interesting questions about God. Click here to read.
We love the city of Oaxaca! We are enjoying the cooler weather, the almost daily afternoon rain showers, less congestion and traffic of a smaller city, the yummy food and the colonial and indigenous beauty of living in Oaxaca.
We are thankful for our missionary colleagues here as they have been very helpful as we are getting settled and have provided a sense of community and belonging to the family from the very beginning.
Prayer requests for upcoming travel…
Erika is excited to be able to return to Monterrey for a weekend in Sept. to attend Abigail’s quinceañera, a coming of age birthday party for girls turning 15. Abi was one of the adolescents who helped Erika start the youth club over three years ago, and whom Erika had the privilege of discipling this past year. She is very excited to be able to participate in this meaningful event for her and her family!
Nils’s mother Elaine was praying that the whole Clauson family could be together to celebrate Nils’s father Herb’s 70th birthday sometime this year, and we really didn’t think it would work out for us to make the trip, but God has answered prayer! We are excited to be able to attend the Clauson family reunion in Oregon at the end of Sept.
Nils will be accompanying the two FDF directors, Claudia and Sandra, on a visit to the Seattle area. This will be an opportunity for Claudia and Sandra to share first hand with partner churches about the exciting ways God is working through the Family Foundation in Monterrey.
So, as you can see the next month or so is quite busy with travel. We’d ask that you pray for safety, fun, relaxation, and extra prayers for patience and joy for the parent that will stay with the boys and that God will accomplish his purpose in the FDF visit to Washington.
You may have heard about the 50+ people killed in a Monterrey casino fire started by drug cartel leaders last week. Obviously our hearts and minds are still with our friends there. Erika posted a prayer for them, which you can read by clicking here…
Once again, thank you for your extra prayers and support during this transition time. We have definitely experienced God’s presence in these changes.
Erika, Nils, Matías and Lucas
Erika, it’s wonderful to see the full circle that you and Nils have experienced by returning to Oaxaca, and also your continued contact with and support of people you love in Monterrey. I love reading your prayer for Monterrey in Spanish (increased my vocabulary a bit!). And thank you for acknowledging God’s answer to my prayers that we could all be together! We’re excited!
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Erika and Nils,
We are thrilled to receive this wonderful update and are grateful to know that you are all are settling well into your new life and home in Oaxaca. We believe that your years of experience previously in Oaxaca, Mexicali and Monterrey will provide perspective, practical experience and skills which will enhance your ministry in Oaxaca. May God continue to guide as He unfolds His plans for you in Oaxaca. May the trip to the Seattle area with Sandra and Claudia bear much fruit and strengthen the connections with those churches already involved in the ministry of the Family Foundation. ENJOY your time at the Clauson family reunion! Greetings to our friends in Oaxaca!
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Great to hear the latest update. Que Dios les bendiga!
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Great to hear God working through you guys. Thanks for sharing. Great place..Oaxaca. May God sow your seeds (His seeds). encouraged by what you guys are doing.
I have seen those ruins….keep taking divots.
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Great blog, as usual – someday we hope to do as well at it! So glad you found a good school for the boys.
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