Prayer Requests
How to pray (updated on April 28, 2015)…
- Praise God for a wonderful start to our first Alpha course. Pray that the relationships will continue.
- Pray for the individuals in Brunnen. Many have parents who are seriously ill.
- Prayer for God’s leading in Brunnen’s next step with the youth in the area and as a church body. 50 youth have come to After School and now a Girl-Conversation group has started.
- Pray that people continue to come to faith. We are expecting a celebration of baptism this term!
- Pray for Aaron’s continue need for support. $20,000 extra is needed to be raised during summer/fall 2015.
We will remember you in our devotions for new contacts at the church. May God bless your witness.
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Thank you for your prayers and blessings. Keep them coming, they are appreciated and needed.
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