3 Churches Become ONE
A New Church is Formed
I am not sure if one can really say a “new” church if formed, since the Church (big C) is always there regardless of denominational lines. But nonetheless, the Swedish Baptist, the Swedish Methodist and the Swedish Covenant/Mission Church have now formed a new denomination, or as they like to call it: a new church.
The hopes are that this church will help people to think differently about “church.” The church in Sweden is dieing and forming this new church has its hopes set on start something new. A new focus of reaching out, more waves of church planting, thinking “the ecumenical church” rather than competition with other churches. It is hopefully an awakening which will start a movement of more people in Sweden coming to faith and growing in their faith. It is about making disciples who make disciples, which is good to hear…but is Sweden ready??? Are people in these churches ready? I believe much prayer is needed…but our hope is set on The LORD.
Check out the ECC’s article on the subject: http://www.covchurch.org/news/2011/06/10/in-sweden-three-denominations-become-one/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ECC-CovNewswire+%28%28ECC%29+%7C+Covenant+Newswire%29