When we posted last in the middle of July we were all heading to 3 different continents…
We just want to report back to you that Sam had a great time in Australia, Lilla had a wonderful experience at camp (CHIC), Tim is still trying to process all that he saw and learned in Tanzania, and Sky and Andrea kept very busy with sports camps, entertaining guests, and other household chores and duties. By August 5th we were back under one roof to share a meal and catch up on each others’ lives. Thanks for your prayers!
I had hoped to include here some links of photos and videos of my Africa sojourn… but there was so much material that I’m still working through it. I will try in later communications to share those links for those that are interested. In the meantime… here’s a peek at September. Thanks for praying with us…
September Prayer…
- For Andrea, as she begins the 2nd year of her doctoral studies.
- For Tim, as he takes a brief trip to Japan on 9/18-28. This is to take care of some nuts and bolts business issues… but also to meet with national partners and our covenant mission team – to pray about and discuss our future options.
- For Sam, Lilla, and Sky as they start their school years. Sky starts 8th grade on Sept. 3, Lilla begins classes at Cascadia College at the end of September (she is in the Washington Running Start program which allows students to finish high school while gaining college credits), and Sam begins his 2nd year at the U of Washington.
- For our whole family – as we feel the need to make some significant decisions about our future…. but still feel uncertain in regard to those details. Being uncertain is never fun… but we do recognize this time as a gift from God and for our benefit.
In the meantime, we will continue to connect with many of you, through this blog, but also hopefully through visits to where you are! Thanks for all your love and support.
The photo above is of an arab dhow, one of the centuries-old style of sailing vessels that have plied the Indian Ocean and Arabian peninsula. They were plentiful and beautiful along the coast of Tanzania… this particular boat was seen off the coast while we were visiting Zanzibar.
And a couple more shots from my trip…A worship service that we participated in at St. Peter’s Church in Chamwino, central Tanzania. I look forward to sharing much more about the inspiring music and people of this region.
A sunset image of a baobab tree, known in swahili as “Nbuyu”. Since they survive so beautifully in extremely arid conditions I was reminded of Psalm 1:1-3 whenever I saw a particularly stunning example.
Until next time!