MONTERREY, MEXICO (November 19, 2009) – Altagracia Veloz says that if it weren’t for the 10-year-old ministry of Project Down, she and her family would not be thriving with a family member who has Down Syndrome.
Memorial Service Date Set for Grace Peterson
SPRING VALLEY, CA (November 18, 2009) – A memorial service for retired Evangelical Covenant Church missionary Grace (Brownlee) Peterson, 81, will be conducted at 10:30 a.m. December 5 at Mt. Miguel Covenant Village. She died November 9.
Pilgrim Pines Launches $4.7 Million Capital Drive
FARMINGTON, CT (November 18, 2009) – A new $4.7 million capital campaign to benefit Pilgrim Pines Conference Center will fund reconstruction of the Camp Squanto Dining Hall and erection of a new multipurpose facility in the Mayflower area.
Campus Mourns Death of Seminary Student
CHICAGO, IL (November 17, 2009) – North Park Theological Seminary held a special chapel service this morning following the death of student Vernard Jones, 42, who died in his apartment Monday night of natural causes.
CWR Purchasing Food for Starving South Sudanese
SOUTH SUDAN (November 17, 2009) – Covenant World Relief (CWR) has sent $5,000 to the Evangelical Covenant Church of South Sudan and is raising another $33,000 to provide emergency food assistance for 70,000 people who are starving due to a …
One Day’s Wages – One World of Difference
SEATTLE, WA (November 16, 2009) – A lengthy feature on changes in nonprofit fundraising published in a recent edition of the New York Times included One Day’s Wages (ODW), an international grassroots project started by Eugene Cho, pastor of Quest …
Civil War Stories Lie Buried in North Carolina Church Cemetery
SUMMERFIELD, NC (November 16, 2009) – Wayne Barham, a 70-year-old U.S. Navy veteran, wants others to know that within the Mount Bethel Evangelical Covenant Church cemetery are stories to be preserved beyond the words and numbers on the headstones.
Report …
Excessive Pastoral Demands Can Shorten Ministry Career
By Rick Lund
SEATTLE, WA (November 13, 2009) – The average lifetime length of service for an active pastor in the Evangelical Covenant Church is only 11 years, according to statistics recently compiled by the denomination’s pension plan. Hardly a …
Memorial Service Date Set for Elenor Peterson
SPOKANE, WA (November 13, 2009) – The memorial service for former Evangelical Covenant Church missionary Elenor (Westberg) Peterson, 97, will be conducted at 1 p.m. November 21 at First Covenant Church.
Church Opens Doors as Warming Center for Homeless
EUGENE, OR (November 12, 2009) – Valley Covenant Church is one of three area churches that will host up to 50 homeless people this winter whenever the temperature drops below 28 degrees.