CHICAGO, IL (October 21, 2009) – Evangelical Covenant Church missionary Nancy Reed was sworn in as a naturalized United States citizen during a special ceremony in the Federal Building on Tuesday.
Nancy is the wife of missionary Roberto Reed – the couple is planting New Life Covenant Church in La Coruna, Spain. She also is the daughter of Jorge and Noris Maldonado. Jorge is the former president of the Hispanic Center for Theological Studies (CHET) and the couple is serving as short-term missionaries in Spain.

“We are delighted that Nancy has been able to finish the naturalization process and are grateful for the help of our immigration lawyers, Bob Webber and Penni Frank,” said Margie Swenson, co-director of missionary personnel for the Department of World Mission.
Nancy was one of 136 individuals from 47 countries to take the oath of citizenship. “It was incredibly touching to see the diversity represented in the group,” Swenson said.