FOWM Funds to Assist New Thai HIV/AIDS Center

Post a Comment » Written on October 16th, 2009     
Filed under: News
SONGKHLA, THAILAND (October 16, 2009) – Funds from the newest Friends of World Mission project will help establish the Center for HIV/AIDS Affected Communities (CHAC) in Songkhla and serve people throughout southern Thailand.

According to the Thai Public Health Department, southern Thailand has one of the highest incidences of HIV/AIDS infection in the country.

CenterThe Department of World Mission is working with the Sustainable Development Research Foundation (SDRF), a longtime ministry partner, on the project. Ministry by the SDRF to people infected with HIV already has led to more than 300 people coming to faith in Christ. In May, 105 people were baptized during a single service. Click here to read a previously published story.

The ministry to people with AIDS began when a woman named Srinuan, who was infected by the virus and covered with sores, was touched by Nujon Singpila, president of SDRF. The unexpected act of love and continued compassion shown to Srinuan, as she also cared for a friend dying of AIDS, led her to open her heart to Christ.

Following the death of her friend, Srinuan decided to continue a ministry of compassion to people impacted by HIV/AIDS in the area. As she met with people in one community, she would be invited to other communities as well.

Family and friends often ostracize people with HIV/AIDS, but the ministry is forming a growing network of support and worship communities through seven provinces in southern Thailand. The people are finding “new families,” says Nujon.

The center has several objectives:

•    Act as a support base for the seven provincial HIV/AIDS communities
•    Develop new leadership for the growing number of groups
•    Link different communities with government-run hospitals that provide assistance and medical training
•    Manage a program to help people affected by HIV/AIDS to develop jobs
•    Enable children of HIV/AIDS infected families to pursue education through scholarships and connection to educational resources
•    Act as a temporary shelter for people infected with HIV/AIDS and help them find needed housing
•    Act as a meeting place for HIV/AIDS community support groups throughout Thailand

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